Material evidence that proves family law case rigging was taking place that left many children in home environments that had a high probability for assaults, abuse, neglect and fatality.
(Note Each Document Date)
Article Below Proves Case Rigging Was Taking Place Into Late 2016 1 of 2
Article Below Proves Case Rigging Was Taking Place Into Late 2016 2 of 2
The Eau Claire County Sheriff has known for more than a decade of the case rigging and federal funding fraud that took place in Eau Claire County family courts and did nothing. I think the question that needs to be asked now... Why did the Eau Claire County Sheriff set a meeting with Larry Lokken on the fraud uncovered in 2009 with the writer of this site?
Why did the Eau Claire County Sheriff and his department go out of there way to then silence what was uncovered?
Click Here To See The Expanded Material Evidence.
(Note document time lines)