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Everything is relative to the state and strength of the family

The systemic hardships plaguing children and families in our community and the federal funding machine behind it. Eau Claire law enforcement leadership has known for two decades that "organized" evidenced-based public corruption between Eau Claire County agencies and the family law machine was happening out in the open, directly putting children in harms way, relegating shattering families to a life of generational poverty, the spike in metal health chaos and the complete failure of the local war on drugs, not to mention local Physiatrists and Phycologists handing out amphetamine prescriptions like candy over the last fifteens years contributing to the Chippewa Valley's addiction epidemic. I've always wondered how the above mentioned are able to look at their own families and not think, when is the chaos we helped create, profit from and proliferate going to touch our own families and people we care about?

To the Eau Claire Police Department, Eau Claire Sheriffs Department, Eau Claire County District Attorneys Office and Eau Claire County Administrators, carrying out willful retribution against whistleblowers, their families and businesses is a criminal act under the "Color Of Law". You know this misses the mark of upstanding ethics and community exceptionalism. 

The spinning of false narratives on the skyrocketing crimes against children, our mental health crisis and the devastation imposed upon shattering families in our community may work with Eau Claire media, but doesn't work with a hyper aware Eau Claire community impacted by decades of in-concert insider public corruption, abuse of power, influence peddling, enrichment schemes and bold fraud, waste and abuse. The overwhelming evidence supports a public corruption investigation by the United States Department of Justice that would exceed a level not seen even in the Murdaugh political power structure in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. 

Eau Claire County Whistleblower with two decades of insider knowledge!

The Root Cause Of Eau Claire County Child Abuse, Breakdown of the family And Adverse Childhood Experiences.

Evidence-Based: Case Rigging,  Child Abuse, Child Fatalities  & Child Assaults Cover-Ups. Institutional Discrimination, Public Corruption,  Abuse of Power,  Influence Peddling, Abuse of Public Trust, Political Intimidation & In-Concert Agency Cover-ups.


This self-funded mission started in the early 2000's from the discovery of physical abuse, neglect, assaults and fatality cover-ups in Dunn and Eau Claire County around the same time a child fatality in St. Croix County drew my attention as well as a small school district just west of Eau Claire that habitually failed to report evidenced-based crimes against children. 


Stephen Hubbard of St Croix County was killed on December 20th, 2004 by his mother’s boyfriend Kevin Rood. Like many young children of abuse standing at the edge of fatality, they stand in silence. Compelled to raise awareness of non-biological significant other abuse (The Bad Boy Boyfriend) I went to Madison to help write a comprehensive child protection bill called the Stephen Hubbard Bill.


After years of old school investigative research, I discovered a phenomenon in Eau Claire County. The "fixing" of Eau Claire family law outcomes, more specifically known as The Standard Policy on Periods of Physical Placement meant to trigger Federal incentives and matches by stripping due process that also blocked unimpeachable noncustodial parents from protecting their children from non-biological significant other abuse, assaults, neglect and fatalities.


The outgoing Governor knew long before he became Governor (Knapp Wisconsin Lincoln Day Dinner). As the Milwaukee County Executive, he knew exactly what had been uncovered, from child fatality cover-ups to agency entitlement fraud perpetrated by not just Eau Claire County leadership, a county board member and several agencies, but also other Wisconsin counties using the exact same model.




The outgoing Governor and Attorney General had eight years to bring evidence-based accountability and justice by changing out the Eau Claire County leadership, but instead of sending a message to seventy two other counties they did little to nothing. 


Why do county agencies in Wisconsin block unimpeachable biological parents from protecting their children from abuse, neglect, assaults and fatality?


Adverse Childhood Trauma is worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually to WI DHS, CSP, and county agencies in Wisconsin


Manipulation of Wisconsin's DCF-153 is the contributing factor in crimes against children.


The Model Used To Destroy Eau Claire County Children & Families In The Name Of County Funding Incentives & Match Payments


The Biggest Corruption Cover-Up In Eau Claire County History

The Eau Claire County "Standard Policy on Periods of Physical Placement" was used to defraud the Federal Social Security system of I believe ten's of millions of dollars, if not hundred's of millions of dollars over two decades by Eau Claire County DHS and its network of agencies, departments, firms and organizations.  None of the extravagate spending and misappropriation of state and federal program funding wouldn’t be possible, if county agencies, family law and organizations hadn’t been working in concert and/or colluding to inflate poverty estimates to procure state and federal entitlements, incentives, and matches.

Since 2003 The Eau Claire County Sheriffs Department and their detectives, Eau Claire Police Department and their detectives, Eau Claire County District Attorneys Office and Eau Claire County Cooperation Counsel has had intimate knowledge of case fixing of Eau Claire family law outcomes meant to trigger Federal funding payments from the Social Security System that also placed children directly in harmful environments and relegated shattering families into extreme poverty. The above mentioned departments knew all the Eau Claire County agencies involved in the Social Security federal funding scheme and the numerus Eau Claire family law attorneys assisting it thought the courts. The in-concert predetermined case outcomes provided many family law firms unchallenged evidenced-based client fee schemes. 


The recent investigations into Eau Claire County Human Services is a diversion from what the Eau Claire County Sheriffs Department and detectives already knew about for years, its not just DHS involved in a sophisticated racketeering scheme, it's been judges, family court commissioners, a long list of family law attorneys, Try Mediation, Guardian Ad Litems, Corporation Council attorneys, child support agents. Eau Claire county board members and Eau Claire County executive team. Since the Sheriffs Investigation into Eau Claire County DHS and the resent 180 day hold on information that has been imposed is suspect. Why? Because I believe the Sherriff and his detectives realized they unintentionally ensnared the Sherriff's department into there own investigation.



The Funding Machine That Creates A See Something Say Nothing Culture


The evidence-based content on this site demonstrates two decades of in-concert family case manipulation that was consciously conspired using the Eau Claire County justice system to shatter families, place children in harm's way, coach poverty and bait Eau Claire County youth into criminal activity.

To those that ask why haven't you gone to a local federal agency with these findings... In 2009 I had an in-depth meeting with the former Eau Claire County Sheriff on agency to agency funding fraud by means of our justice system. I learned from the Sheriff that day he is able to use these federal agencies to his will. 

The Sheriff explained to me in that meeting in detail how he used these agencies against a county board member and the director or Eau Claire County Human Services.

Why do I believe the current sitting Sheriff shared this with me... A veiled threat that was meant to silence my ongoing advocacy work and exposing the public corruption that swirls around his department and others in Eau Claire County.
Those who know the mode of operation of the former Eau Claire County Sheriff, he loves investigating political rivals and imaginary adversaries with shakedowns tactics using back channel resources. So the question to ask is, where do you go when a powerful Eau Claire County Sheriff has an arsenal of local, state and federal agents in his back pocket that are willing to do his bidding on and off duty since the late 1980's?

To the Eau Claire Sheriff at the time, my
 whistleblowing wasn't his immediate concern, the immediate concern was how to keep honorable people in and around the Sheriffs department and within Eau Claire County from talking off the record and calling out abuse of power, abuse of public trust, public corruption and self-enrichment schemes.


The evidence-based answers to question the Department of Justice and the newly forming Department of Government Efficiency may have on one of the biggest racketeering schemes in Federal entitlement programs are within this site.

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